Quick Post. I know I always say that but this time it is a guarantee. Today is October 9, 2011 and it should be a day I am spending with my father. If we were together we would undoubtedly be:
- Watching some football. He would go nuts today with the ability to watch every football game on tv on Sunday....let alone see every game on one screen
- Sharing some laughs. He was a funny guy that would sometimes break off into a Seinfeld like standup routine. The example I always use is when he was on a plane that had been significantly delayed, he decided to help the crew. He dipped his cloth napkin in red wine, wrapped it around his head and proceeded to help pass out drinks pretending to be Rambo. P.S. This is why I have a whacked sense of humor.
- Undoubtedly my Dad would disappear at some point during the day but we would all know he was sneaking in some work in some quiet corner of the house. My Dad imported wine so he would be working on some import documents, organizing (he was a mad list creator) or perhaps doing some stock research.
- He probably would already have ordered the iphone 4S but if he hadn't, we would go order one together. My Dad always had the latest and greatest technology. It was a shame he passed away before getting to see the innovations that have been created over the past few years.
- The day would have to involve some golf. I am not a great golfer but he was a scratch golfer.....self taught. He taught himself most things from reading. I still have a micro cassette recorder with 30 minutes of him stating all the tiny movements he needed to remember on his back swing.
- The day would end with a fine meal out or perhaps with him cooking a nice meal. He was an amazing cook and I think it stemmed from a palate that allowed him to interpret ingredients at a detailed level. He could also eat a meal out then go home and create it.
Anyway, this is what our day would have been. Cancer took the chance for this day away from us on January 12, 2004. After a 15 month battle, cancer won a hard fought battle. As I have said before, this lost battle and this loss for my family lead me to amazing things. I run and bike and sort of swim now because of him. I learned how to fight back because of him. I learned how to lead others because of him. Over the years I have met some amazing people that are out there fighting cancer as well. Today, on behalf of my family and myself and my Dad, I want to thank everyone that has ever joined me in the fight against cancer. Today in particular there are folks out there running or walking for Team in Training or the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation program or for Susan G Komen or for an organization close to their heart. They are most likely doing it with no knowledge of my father but I hope they know their efforts help honor a promise I made to my Dad.....to end cancer.
I talked to my Mother a little while ago. I can hear sadness in her voice. She spent many more years with my father than I did and I can tell she misses him terribly. Time does heal wounds but I do not think you ever get back to 100%. I lost my best friend. She lost her best friend and soul mate. We talked about what Dad might be doing right now. I said that he would probably be golfing with Isabella as his caddy. Usually I think I am right but in this instance, I think my Mom's proposal is the more likely choice. I already mentioned my Dad was a Tech geek......fine leather and very fine pens too. This week we lost an amazing innovator, Steve Jobs. My Mom's theory is that my Dad is in heaven tracking down Steve Jobs to catch up on all the craze of the iPhone and iPad and MacBook Air and iMac, etc, etc, etc. Knowing my Dad, this is exactly what he must be doing which supports the theory that we should not be sad for those that have moved on..........they are in a great place...........we are just sad for the times we can no longer share with those people. I close with a photo of my Dad giving his toast as Best Man on the day
Crea and I married. He spoke through tears saying it is not a fair request to have him speak on such a special day. Just so he can feel we are even, I wrote this little post on a special day....also through tears. Cheers Dad. I am still raising a glass to your 70th birthday today. I miss you. Cancer will go down as promised.

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