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It was a strong week for training and fundraising although I really need to improve on reaching folks that do not know my story. That is the only path to reaching $130,000 and to date all donations have come from individuals that personally know me and/or my wife. I have said this before but on some days it feels like this journey could be easy if we could just get 100,000 people to donate $1 each. The challenge is how to get this journey in the hands of 100,000 people. I am an open book so feel free to share your ideas.
I will let two Instagram posts do the talking but this was the best training week I have had since my biking accident in 2013. If you made it to this post without reading my story, someone opened the
ir door in 2013 while I was on the bike and it has been a huge setback. This week things went differently for me though. The overall stats are that I trained 195 miles consisting of 3 swims, 2 straight runs, 2 trainer rides, a 2 hour ride and one 5.5 hour ride followed by a 15 minute run off the bike. I did all of this with zero pain which stresses me out to put in writing but to hell with superstition. The most amazing workout was a 13.1 mile training run. It was the first time since my accident that I ran without the fear of pain. I was able to let my mind escape and just enjoy the run through some amazing landscape. I followed this up two days later with my first tempo run where I allowed myself to run at a sub 8 minute mile pace. That is a big step mentally for me. I have been utilizing extremely conservative run-walk intervals in the spirit of staying healthy. I will continue to do so because finishing the race is far more important that pushing myself to an injury. If my confid
ence continues to improve, I will allow myself to push from time to time. My weekend was mainly about the bike. Seven and a half hours of total riding split up into a 2 hour ride on Saturday and a 5.5 hour ride on Sunday. I cleared the 90 mile mark on the long ride with 5,600 feet of climb. It was good mentally to get in the distance. I now enter a recovery week which is a good thing because I am most definitely sore as I type this Monday morning.
We had a good week raising approximately $4,800 towards our $130,000 goal. On the surface it sounds like we are way ahead of things but most of these funds are from letters and emails I have sent out. I have budgeted out various ideas and I have a path to $70-75,000 which means we still have a very large gap to close………or we need 60,000 people to each give $1. We also did a lot of filming for the video to be featured at . It will take some time to edit but a huge thank you goes out to Paiwei Wei for taking time out of his busy schedule to shoot all the footage and help to produce the video itself.
I expect this might be a slower week on the fundraising front but we have a lot to accomplish. We will launch our community teams, we will finalize our logo thus finalize our t-shirts and thus be very close to launching the virtual 5K and locking down a date for the live event in Venice, CA. There is so much to do but nobody said ending cancer would be easy.
Thanks for your time and for following this journey. If anything here inspires you, please share our story. If you would also consider a donation, we would be grateful. This journey is about everyone touched by cancer. Join us.